Before I switch to JFreeChart, does it support this ....

Discussion about JFreeChart related to stockmarket charts.
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Joined: Tue Feb 28, 2006 2:30 pm

Before I switch to JFreeChart, does it support this ....

Post by Wardie » Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:58 am

Got no replies on the "general" list with this - can anyone on this list help? I'm keen to switch to JFreeChart but don't want to embark on it if the following cannot be done (I suspect it can).


Just downloaded the latest JFreeChart (and bought the manual so you can see I'm keen!)

I've written a Swing app that does a variety of things with stock prices and quotes from various brokers. I don't think this is specifically a question for the stock market charts group - if it is please let me know.

Anyway - I'd like to replace my homegrown code with JFreeChart but I first need to check it can do the following.




1) I need to be able to render a combination of candlestick and other date-orientated line data (price, 30 day average etc)

2) I need to be able to switch the visability of any of the serices/ candlestick

3) I need to be able to "overlay" the quote levels - which are also indicated in the bars along the bottom - these would just be another data set with n-series in it. If you look at the screenshot you will see that two brokers have been selected by combobox on the bottom right and their levels are plotted on the upper plot.

Does anyone know of any reason why I won't be able to do this? I've read about these different things in isolation in JFreeChart (i.e. multi-plot graphs, using setSeriesVisible() etc.)

Many thanks.
