X11 error using JFreechart on Sun Solaris

A discussion forum for JFreeChart (a 2D chart library for the Java platform).
Fabien Boulesteix

X11 error using JFreechart on Sun Solaris

Post by Fabien Boulesteix » Mon Dec 04, 2000 11:17 am

I'm using JFreechart 0.5.5 on Sun Solaris and when I create the chart, I have the following error :
Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.

The code I am using to create the chart is :
JFreeChart myChart = JFreeChart.createVerticalBarChart(myDataSource);
//Put a white background
myChart.setChartBackgroundPaint(new GradientPaint(0, 0, new Color(235, 235, 235), 1000, 0, new Color(235, 235, 235)));
//Set the color is the series
//Set the title
String title="";

Plot myPlot=myChart.getPlot();
Axis myHorizontalAxis=myPlot.getAxis(Plot.HORIZONTAL_AXIS);

* Add the possibility to view labels verticaly
* This is a protected attribute (verticalCategoryLabels) of the
* HorizontalCategoryAxis object.
* I have to modify the code of JFreechart or to wait for the next release
* Current release 0.5.5
* 16/10/2000 : I have modify the code of JFreechart

//Set the label of the horizontal axis to be view verticaly
HorizontalCategoryAxis HorizontalCategoryAxis = (HorizontalCategoryAxis) myPlot.getHorizontalAxis();

Axis myVerticalAxis=myPlot.getAxis(Plot.VERTICAL_AXIS);

The value of the variable SERIEPAINT is :
new Paint[] {new Color(206, 45, 69),new Color(102, 153, 0),new Color(102, 102, 204),new Color(255, 102, 0),Color.red,Color.blue,Color.green,Color.yellow,Color.cyan};

I have modify the code of the HorizontalCategoryAxis class to add the method setVerticalCategoryLabels.

Thanks for your help.

Alexander Schanz

RE: X11 error using JFreechart on Sun Solaris

Post by Alexander Schanz » Tue Dec 05, 2000 9:46 am

Hello Fabien,

the error you encountered has nothing to do with JFreeChart.

There are two possibilities for the error:

1. You have not set the DISPLAY variable correctly for your X-Display
Enter the following to check:

# env

you should now see the setting of your DISPLAY variable.

The correct setting is hostname:display (e.g. myhost:0.0)

2. You have not allowed remote access to your X-Server
You can do this by entering xhost +Hostname


