Not sure what chart type to use...

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Not sure what chart type to use...

Post by sardaukar » Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:47 pm

Hello all, and thanks for your time reading this.

I'm not use what chart type to use for a specific situation: I want to have measurement values on the Y axis and time on X, and it's a bar chart - I think. But the difference is: when I get a value for a given time, I want the bar to keep at the same level until I get a new value - the dataset usually has values very seldomly. So, for this dataset:

(X,Y) -> 10AM,5 | 2PM,7 | 6AM,8

The chart would have three bars, one from the beginning of the chart (user can choose to begin the chart earlier than 10AM) to 2PM showing 5, one from 2PM to 6AM showing 7 and one from 6AM to the end of the chart (again, user choice) showing 8. The bars would have to be filled, so CategoryStep is out of the question (right?).

Thank you for any feedback!
