Category chart: how to insert an empty space on the X axis??

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Category chart: how to insert an empty space on the X axis??

Post by fjanon » Mon May 17, 2010 11:08 am


I need to separate some box and whiskers items in a BoxAndWhiskersCategory chart with an empty space. I did it by inserting empty lists as shown in the code below. The chart seems to draw OK but when I draw it in an iText document and print the resulting pdf document , Acrobat reader generates an error: "An error exists on this page. Acrobat may not display the page correctly. blah blah..."

DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset categorydataset = new DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset();
List<Float> emptylist = new ArrayList<Float>(); // Causes an error when printing the pdf document
// List<Float> emptylist = null; // exception in dataset calculator
String emptyscalename = "";
if (spaceneededhere)
categorydataset.add(emptylist, "Actual", emptyscalename);
categorydataset.add(emptylist, "Preferred", emptyscalename);

Any suggestion?


