plot.setSectionPaint ignoring the colour

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Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:14 pm
antibot: No, of course not.

plot.setSectionPaint ignoring the colour

Post by mjfan80 » Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:21 pm

I followed the istruction founded here ... 16&start=0 ... 12&start=0 ... 04&start=0 ... 30&start=0

but my charts are ignoring the colour settings

this is what i made

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public static class PieRenderer {

    public PieRenderer() {}

    public PiePlot setColor(PiePlot plot, PieDataset dataset) {
        for (int i = 0; i < dataset.itemCount; i++) {
            String valore = dataset.getKey(i)
            //println "valore dell'indice ${i}: ${valore}"
            HashMap<String, Color> mappaColori = generaMappaColoriTipiChiamate()
            Color colore = mappaColori.get(valore)
            println " plot.setSectionPaint(${i}, ${colore.toString()}), valore: ${valore}"
            plot.setSectionPaint(i, colore)
        return plot

    def generaMappaColoriTipiChiamate() {
    def colori = new HashMap<String, Color>()
    colori.put("IDRO-SANITARIO", java.awt.Color.BLUE)
    colori.put("IDRO-SANITARIA", java.awt.Color.BLUE)
    colori.put("ANTINCENDIO", java.awt.Color.ORANGE)
    colori.put("ANTI-INTRUSIONE", java.awt.Color.DARK_GRAY)
    colori.put("ASCENSORI", java.awt.Color.BLACK)
    colori.put("CONDIZIONAMENTO", java.awt.Color.WHITE)
    colori.put("EDILE", java.awt.Color.LIGHT_GRAY)
    colori.put("ELETTRICA", java.awt.Color.YELLOW)
    colori.put("SERVIZIO ENERGIA-TERMICO", java.awt.Color.RED)
    colori.put("SERVIZIO ENERGIA - TERMICO", java.awt.Color.RED)
    colori.put("SPECIALI", java.awt.Color.RED)
    colori.put("VERDE/NEVE", java.awt.Color.GREEN)
    colori.put("VIDEOSORVEGLIANZA", java.awt.Color.PINK)
    return colori

then, when i want to render the chart

PieRenderer renderer = new PieRenderer();

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PlotPie plotPie = new PiePlot(pieDatasetTipiChiuse);
plotPie.setLabelGenerator(new CustomLabelGenerator())  // this class is used for generation of customized labels
plotPie.setLabelFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 10))
JFreeChart chart3 = new JFreeChart(plotPie)
renderer.setColor(plotPie, pieDatasetTipiChiuse);
final File file3 = new File("tipiChiuseLotto" + numLotto + ".png");
ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(file3, chart3, 500, 400, info);
but the color of the chart is not what I want...
the output is coerent with the colour i want, but not the chart
here the output

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plot.setSectionPaint(0, java.awt.Color[r=255,g=255,b=255]), valore: CONDIZIONAMENTO
 plot.setSectionPaint(1, java.awt.Color[r=64,g=64,b=64]), valore: ANTI-INTRUSIONE
 plot.setSectionPaint(2, java.awt.Color[r=255,g=0,b=0]), valore: SERVIZIO ENERGIA-TERMICO
 plot.setSectionPaint(3, java.awt.Color[r=255,g=0,b=0]), valore: SPECIALI
 plot.setSectionPaint(4, java.awt.Color[r=255,g=255,b=0]), valore: ELETTRICA
as you can see, the setSectionPain of the value "elettrica" is excatly what i want, yellow... but the chart is of other colour

someone can help me?
