Help with TimeSeriesChart

A discussion forum for JFreeChart (a 2D chart library for the Java platform).
Rudra A Dixit

Help with TimeSeriesChart

Post by Rudra A Dixit » Tue Jan 29, 2002 5:15 pm


I'm using the TimeSeriesChart and I've noticed that JFreeChart produces dashed horizontal lines for each value on the Y-Axis. I would like to know if it's possible to do the same for values on the X-Axis. In that way, I could have a grid-type graph which would help the user look at more precise data.

Thanks in advance,

Rudra A Dixit

David Gilbert

RE: Help with TimeSeriesChart

Post by David Gilbert » Wed Jan 30, 2002 10:17 am

Hi Rudra,

I use the term grid lines...unless I misunderstand what you mean.

The time series charts in the demo have horizontal *and* vertical grid lines, I think that is the default.

The method setGridLinesVisible(...) in ValueAxis controls this.



Rudra A Dixit

RE: Help with TimeSeriesChart

Post by Rudra A Dixit » Wed Jan 30, 2002 6:42 pm

Hi DG,

I checked out the setGridLinesVisible() method, but it's only showing horizontal grid lines, not vertical. Here's the full description of my problem:

I'm generating a PNG image to display on a JSP. I've got a maximum image width limit of 420 pixels. When I query for long intervals (for example: from 01/15/2002 01:00 to 01/23/2002 23:00), JFreeChart produces the graph, but the X-Axis displays only one label (in my case, it's 01/21/2002). The person who is studying the generated graph has to guess the other dates, since there aren't any other X-Axis labels available. I guess this happens because of the image width limit.
Therefore, if I have vertical gridlines, this would help the user understand more precisely what is being demonstrated.
I'm not sure if I have been clear now. Please let me know so that I can solve any doubts.

Thanks in advance,

Rudra A Dixit
