Point & Figure Charts

Discussion about JFreeChart related to stockmarket charts.
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Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2004 2:12 pm

Point & Figure Charts

Post by Ted » Tue Mar 30, 2004 11:56 am

Hi everybody!

I want to chart Point&Figure charts using JFreelib. For an example of how they look like, look here http://stockcharts.com/def/servlet/SC.pnf?c=emc,P (there's a nice applet available as well there; click on "Dynamic")

One way to look at such a chart is to see it as a XY table with "X", "O" or empty information at each [X][Y] location. Talking of the axes, the X axis mostly remain unused, and the Y axis has the price level for each row, indexed by Y.

Another way to see such a chart would be to take each column with the starting and ending coordinates as a single series within a XYDataset.

Any ideas about how to implement such a tabled data view with customized axes best in JFreechart?

Thanks for your input!
