Bar should reder with double layered colour Using StackedBar

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Bar should reder with double layered colour Using StackedBar

Post by stsivaraj » Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:26 am

I want to display the bar with double layered color(i.e first half with one color and second half with another different color) using StackedBarRenderer3D.
If i use StackedBarRenderer3D i can't achieve double layered color, but i can achieve using by StackedBarRenderer. Using
StackedBarRenderer i can't achieve 3D view.

StackedBarRenderer - Possible double layered color , impossible 3D view

StackedBarRenderer3D - Possible 3D view, impossible double layered color.

In 3D view, i can see 0 value also with some color. Can i omit 0 value bar display?

Can anyone help how to achieve both features?
