Setting domain axis range for Sliding datasets

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Setting domain axis range for Sliding datasets

Post by unexplored » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:24 pm


AFAIK the sliding dataset is implemented such that there are a number of points/values shown in the graph window and allows to slide through the entire dataset by specifying which point must be shown first.
I am using an implementation of SidingXYDataset found here: ... tid=315494 which is implemented as SLidingCategoryDataset, meaning I can only specify the number of points shown at a time and the first point.

I'd like to have the Sliding graph show instead points that fall in a specific range on the domain axis (for example if I use timeseries with real time updates I wand to say that the graph window should be 5 minutes for example and any point that is older will get scrolled out from the graph). One way to achieve that with timeseries is using an expiration time, but I want to have all the points available from start so the user can scroll back and forth.

Is it possible to do that with JFreeChart? Any hints?

Thank you
