Source for org.jfree.chart.plot.DefaultDrawingSupplier

   1: /* ===========================================================
   2:  * JFreeChart : a free chart library for the Java(tm) platform
   3:  * ===========================================================
   4:  *
   5:  * (C) Copyright 2000-2006, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors.
   6:  *
   7:  * Project Info:
   8:  *
   9:  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
  10:  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by 
  11:  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or 
  12:  * (at your option) any later version.
  13:  *
  14:  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
  15:  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
  16:  * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public 
  17:  * License for more details.
  18:  *
  19:  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  20:  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  21:  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, 
  22:  * USA.  
  23:  *
  24:  * [Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. 
  25:  * in the United States and other countries.]
  26:  *
  27:  * ---------------------------
  28:  *
  29:  * ---------------------------
  30:  * (C) Copyright 2003-2006, by Object Refinery Limited.
  31:  *
  32:  * Original Author:  David Gilbert (for Object Refinery Limited);
  33:  * Contributor(s):   Jeremy Bowman;
  34:  *
  35:  * $Id:,v 2006/08/01 15:03:04 mungady Exp $
  36:  *
  37:  * Changes
  38:  * -------
  39:  * 16-Jan-2003 : Version 1 (DG);
  40:  * 17-Jan-2003 : Added stroke method, renamed DefaultPaintSupplier 
  41:  *               --> DefaultDrawingSupplier (DG)
  42:  * 27-Jan-2003 : Incorporated code from SeriesShapeFactory, originally 
  43:  *               contributed by Jeremy Bowman (DG);
  44:  * 25-Mar-2003 : Implemented Serializable (DG);
  45:  * 20-Aug-2003 : Implemented Cloneable and PublicCloneable (DG);
  46:  *
  47:  */
  49:  package org.jfree.chart.plot;
  51: import java.awt.BasicStroke;
  52: import java.awt.Color;
  53: import java.awt.Paint;
  54: import java.awt.Polygon;
  55: import java.awt.Shape;
  56: import java.awt.Stroke;
  57: import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
  58: import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
  59: import;
  60: import;
  61: import;
  62: import;
  63: import java.util.Arrays;
  65: import org.jfree.chart.ChartColor;
  66: import;
  67: import org.jfree.util.PublicCloneable;
  68: import org.jfree.util.ShapeUtilities;
  70: /**
  71:  * A default implementation of the {@link DrawingSupplier} interface.  All
  72:  * {@link Plot} instances have a new instance of this class installed by 
  73:  * default.
  74:  */
  75: public class DefaultDrawingSupplier 
  76:         implements DrawingSupplier, Cloneable, PublicCloneable, Serializable {
  78:     /** For serialization. */
  79:     private static final long serialVersionUID = -7339847061039422538L;
  81:     /** The default fill paint sequence. */
  82:     public static final Paint[] DEFAULT_PAINT_SEQUENCE 
  83:             = ChartColor.createDefaultPaintArray();
  85:     /** The default outline paint sequence. */
  86:     public static final Paint[] DEFAULT_OUTLINE_PAINT_SEQUENCE = new Paint[] {
  87:             Color.lightGray};
  89:     /** The default stroke sequence. */
  90:     public static final Stroke[] DEFAULT_STROKE_SEQUENCE = new Stroke[] {
  91:             new BasicStroke(1.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE, 
  92:                     BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL)};
  94:     /** The default outline stroke sequence. */
  95:     public static final Stroke[] DEFAULT_OUTLINE_STROKE_SEQUENCE 
  96:             = new Stroke[] {new BasicStroke(1.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE, 
  97:                     BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL)};
  99:     /** The default shape sequence. */
 100:     public static final Shape[] DEFAULT_SHAPE_SEQUENCE 
 101:             = createStandardSeriesShapes();
 103:     /** The paint sequence. */
 104:     private transient Paint[] paintSequence;
 106:     /** The current paint index. */
 107:     private int paintIndex;
 109:     /** The outline paint sequence. */
 110:     private transient Paint[] outlinePaintSequence;
 112:     /** The current outline paint index. */
 113:     private int outlinePaintIndex;
 115:     /** The stroke sequence. */
 116:     private transient Stroke[] strokeSequence;
 118:     /** The current stroke index. */
 119:     private int strokeIndex;
 121:     /** The outline stroke sequence. */
 122:     private transient Stroke[] outlineStrokeSequence;
 124:     /** The current outline stroke index. */
 125:     private int outlineStrokeIndex;
 127:     /** The shape sequence. */
 128:     private transient Shape[] shapeSequence;
 130:     /** The current shape index. */
 131:     private int shapeIndex;
 133:     /**
 134:      * Creates a new supplier, with default sequences for fill paint, outline 
 135:      * paint, stroke and shapes.
 136:      */
 137:     public DefaultDrawingSupplier() {
 139:         this(DEFAULT_PAINT_SEQUENCE,
 141:              DEFAULT_STROKE_SEQUENCE,
 143:              DEFAULT_SHAPE_SEQUENCE);
 145:     }
 147:     /**
 148:      * Creates a new supplier.
 149:      *
 150:      * @param paintSequence  the fill paint sequence.
 151:      * @param outlinePaintSequence  the outline paint sequence.
 152:      * @param strokeSequence  the stroke sequence.
 153:      * @param outlineStrokeSequence  the outline stroke sequence.
 154:      * @param shapeSequence  the shape sequence.
 155:      */
 156:     public DefaultDrawingSupplier(Paint[] paintSequence,
 157:                                   Paint[] outlinePaintSequence,
 158:                                   Stroke[] strokeSequence,
 159:                                   Stroke[] outlineStrokeSequence,
 160:                                   Shape[] shapeSequence) {
 162:         this.paintSequence = paintSequence;
 163:         this.outlinePaintSequence = outlinePaintSequence;
 164:         this.strokeSequence = strokeSequence;
 165:         this.outlineStrokeSequence = outlineStrokeSequence;
 166:         this.shapeSequence = shapeSequence;
 168:     }
 170:     /**
 171:      * Returns the next paint in the sequence.
 172:      *
 173:      * @return The paint.
 174:      */
 175:     public Paint getNextPaint() {
 176:         Paint result 
 177:             = this.paintSequence[this.paintIndex % this.paintSequence.length];
 178:         this.paintIndex++;
 179:         return result;
 180:     }
 182:     /**
 183:      * Returns the next outline paint in the sequence.
 184:      *
 185:      * @return The paint.
 186:      */
 187:     public Paint getNextOutlinePaint() {
 188:         Paint result = this.outlinePaintSequence[
 189:                 this.outlinePaintIndex % this.outlinePaintSequence.length];
 190:         this.outlinePaintIndex++;
 191:         return result;
 192:     }
 194:     /**
 195:      * Returns the next stroke in the sequence.
 196:      *
 197:      * @return The stroke.
 198:      */
 199:     public Stroke getNextStroke() {
 200:         Stroke result = this.strokeSequence[
 201:                 this.strokeIndex % this.strokeSequence.length];
 202:         this.strokeIndex++;
 203:         return result;
 204:     }
 206:     /**
 207:      * Returns the next outline stroke in the sequence.
 208:      *
 209:      * @return The stroke.
 210:      */
 211:     public Stroke getNextOutlineStroke() {
 212:         Stroke result = this.outlineStrokeSequence[
 213:                 this.outlineStrokeIndex % this.outlineStrokeSequence.length];
 214:         this.outlineStrokeIndex++;
 215:         return result;
 216:     }
 218:     /**
 219:      * Returns the next shape in the sequence.
 220:      *
 221:      * @return The shape.
 222:      */
 223:     public Shape getNextShape() {
 224:         Shape result = this.shapeSequence[
 225:                 this.shapeIndex % this.shapeSequence.length];
 226:         this.shapeIndex++;
 227:         return result;
 228:     }
 230:     /**
 231:      * Creates an array of standard shapes to display for the items in series 
 232:      * on charts.
 233:      *
 234:      * @return The array of shapes.
 235:      */
 236:     public static Shape[] createStandardSeriesShapes() {
 238:         Shape[] result = new Shape[10];
 240:         double size = 6.0;
 241:         double delta = size / 2.0;
 242:         int[] xpoints = null;
 243:         int[] ypoints = null;
 245:         // square
 246:         result[0] = new Rectangle2D.Double(-delta, -delta, size, size);
 247:         // circle
 248:         result[1] = new Ellipse2D.Double(-delta, -delta, size, size);
 250:         // up-pointing triangle
 251:         xpoints = intArray(0.0, delta, -delta);
 252:         ypoints = intArray(-delta, delta, delta);
 253:         result[2] = new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, 3);
 255:         // diamond
 256:         xpoints = intArray(0.0, delta, 0.0, -delta);
 257:         ypoints = intArray(-delta, 0.0, delta, 0.0);
 258:         result[3] = new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, 4);
 260:         // horizontal rectangle
 261:         result[4] = new Rectangle2D.Double(-delta, -delta / 2, size, size / 2);
 263:         // down-pointing triangle
 264:         xpoints = intArray(-delta, +delta, 0.0);
 265:         ypoints = intArray(-delta, -delta, delta);
 266:         result[5] = new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, 3);
 268:         // horizontal ellipse
 269:         result[6] = new Ellipse2D.Double(-delta, -delta / 2, size, size / 2);
 271:         // right-pointing triangle
 272:         xpoints = intArray(-delta, delta, -delta);
 273:         ypoints = intArray(-delta, 0.0, delta);
 274:         result[7] = new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, 3);
 276:         // vertical rectangle
 277:         result[8] = new Rectangle2D.Double(-delta / 2, -delta, size / 2, size);
 279:         // left-pointing triangle
 280:         xpoints = intArray(-delta, delta, delta);
 281:         ypoints = intArray(0.0, -delta, +delta);
 282:         result[9] = new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, 3);
 284:         return result;
 286:     }
 288:     /**
 289:      * Tests this object for equality with another object.
 290:      *
 291:      * @param obj  the object (<code>null</code> permitted).
 292:      *
 293:      * @return A boolean.
 294:      */
 295:     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
 297:         if (obj == this) {
 298:             return true;
 299:         }
 301:         if (!(obj instanceof DefaultDrawingSupplier)) {
 302:             return false;
 303:         }
 305:         DefaultDrawingSupplier that = (DefaultDrawingSupplier) obj;
 307:         if (!Arrays.equals(this.paintSequence, that.paintSequence)) {
 308:             return false;
 309:         }
 310:         if (this.paintIndex != that.paintIndex) {
 311:             return false;   
 312:         }
 313:         if (!Arrays.equals(this.outlinePaintSequence, 
 314:                 that.outlinePaintSequence)) {
 315:             return false;
 316:         }
 317:         if (this.outlinePaintIndex != that.outlinePaintIndex) {
 318:             return false;
 319:         }
 320:         if (!Arrays.equals(this.strokeSequence, that.strokeSequence)) {
 321:             return false;
 322:         }
 323:         if (this.strokeIndex != that.strokeIndex) {
 324:             return false;   
 325:         }
 326:         if (!Arrays.equals(this.outlineStrokeSequence, 
 327:                 that.outlineStrokeSequence)) {
 328:             return false;
 329:         }
 330:         if (this.outlineStrokeIndex != that.outlineStrokeIndex) {
 331:             return false;   
 332:         }
 333:         if (!equalShapes(this.shapeSequence, that.shapeSequence)) {
 334:             return false;
 335:         }
 336:         if (this.shapeIndex != that.shapeIndex) {
 337:             return false;
 338:         }
 339:         return true;
 341:     }
 343:     /**
 344:      * A utility method for testing the equality of two arrays of shapes.
 345:      * 
 346:      * @param s1  the first array (<code>null</code> permitted).
 347:      * @param s2  the second array (<code>null</code> permitted).
 348:      * 
 349:      * @return A boolean.
 350:      */
 351:     private boolean equalShapes(Shape[] s1, Shape[] s2) {
 352:         if (s1 == null) {
 353:             return s2 == null;   
 354:         }
 355:         if (s2 == null) {
 356:             return false;   
 357:         }
 358:         if (s1.length != s2.length) {
 359:             return false;   
 360:         }
 361:         for (int i = 0; i < s1.length; i++) {
 362:             if (!ShapeUtilities.equal(s1[i], s2[i])) {
 363:                 return false;   
 364:             }
 365:         }
 366:         return true;
 367:     }
 369:     /**
 370:      * Handles serialization.
 371:      *
 372:      * @param stream  the output stream.
 373:      *
 374:      * @throws IOException if there is an I/O problem.
 375:      */
 376:     private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
 377:         stream.defaultWriteObject();
 379:         int paintCount = this.paintSequence.length;
 380:         stream.writeInt(paintCount);
 381:         for (int i = 0; i < paintCount; i++) {
 382:             SerialUtilities.writePaint(this.paintSequence[i], stream);
 383:         }
 385:         int outlinePaintCount = this.outlinePaintSequence.length;
 386:         stream.writeInt(outlinePaintCount);
 387:         for (int i = 0; i < outlinePaintCount; i++) {
 388:             SerialUtilities.writePaint(this.outlinePaintSequence[i], stream);
 389:         }
 391:         int strokeCount = this.strokeSequence.length;
 392:         stream.writeInt(strokeCount);
 393:         for (int i = 0; i < strokeCount; i++) {
 394:             SerialUtilities.writeStroke(this.strokeSequence[i], stream);
 395:         }
 397:         int outlineStrokeCount = this.outlineStrokeSequence.length;
 398:         stream.writeInt(outlineStrokeCount);
 399:         for (int i = 0; i < outlineStrokeCount; i++) {
 400:             SerialUtilities.writeStroke(this.outlineStrokeSequence[i], stream);
 401:         }
 403:         int shapeCount = this.shapeSequence.length;
 404:         stream.writeInt(shapeCount);
 405:         for (int i = 0; i < shapeCount; i++) {
 406:             SerialUtilities.writeShape(this.shapeSequence[i], stream);
 407:         }
 409:     }
 411:     /**
 412:      * Restores a serialized object.
 413:      *
 414:      * @param stream  the input stream.
 415:      *
 416:      * @throws IOException if there is an I/O problem.
 417:      * @throws ClassNotFoundException if there is a problem loading a class.
 418:      */
 419:     private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) 
 420:         throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
 421:         stream.defaultReadObject();
 423:         int paintCount = stream.readInt();
 424:         this.paintSequence = new Paint[paintCount];
 425:         for (int i = 0; i < paintCount; i++) {
 426:             this.paintSequence[i] = SerialUtilities.readPaint(stream);
 427:         }
 429:         int outlinePaintCount = stream.readInt();
 430:         this.outlinePaintSequence = new Paint[outlinePaintCount];
 431:         for (int i = 0; i < outlinePaintCount; i++) {
 432:             this.outlinePaintSequence[i] = SerialUtilities.readPaint(stream);
 433:         }
 435:         int strokeCount = stream.readInt();
 436:         this.strokeSequence = new Stroke[strokeCount];
 437:         for (int i = 0; i < strokeCount; i++) {
 438:             this.strokeSequence[i] = SerialUtilities.readStroke(stream);
 439:         }
 441:         int outlineStrokeCount = stream.readInt();
 442:         this.outlineStrokeSequence = new Stroke[outlineStrokeCount];
 443:         for (int i = 0; i < outlineStrokeCount; i++) {
 444:             this.outlineStrokeSequence[i] = SerialUtilities.readStroke(stream);
 445:         }
 447:         int shapeCount = stream.readInt();
 448:         this.shapeSequence = new Shape[shapeCount];
 449:         for (int i = 0; i < shapeCount; i++) {
 450:             this.shapeSequence[i] = SerialUtilities.readShape(stream);
 451:         }
 453:     }
 455:     /**
 456:      * Helper method to avoid lots of explicit casts in getShape().  Returns
 457:      * an array containing the provided doubles cast to ints.
 458:      *
 459:      * @param a  x
 460:      * @param b  y
 461:      * @param c  z
 462:      *
 463:      * @return int[3] with converted params.
 464:      */
 465:     private static int[] intArray(double a, double b, double c) {
 466:         return new int[] {(int) a, (int) b, (int) c};
 467:     }
 469:     /**
 470:      * Helper method to avoid lots of explicit casts in getShape().  Returns
 471:      * an array containing the provided doubles cast to ints.
 472:      *
 473:      * @param a  x
 474:      * @param b  y
 475:      * @param c  z
 476:      * @param d  t
 477:      *
 478:      * @return int[4] with converted params.
 479:      */
 480:     private static int[] intArray(double a, double b, double c, double d) {
 481:         return new int[] {(int) a, (int) b, (int) c, (int) d};
 482:     }
 484:     /**
 485:      * Returns a clone.
 486:      * 
 487:      * @return A clone.
 488:      * 
 489:      * @throws CloneNotSupportedException if a component of the supplier does 
 490:      *                                    not support cloning.
 491:      */
 492:     public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
 493:         DefaultDrawingSupplier clone = (DefaultDrawingSupplier) super.clone(); 
 494:         return clone;
 495:     }
 496: }